Marissa Nadler presents new video of her Townes Van Zandt Cover „Quicksilver Daydreams Of Maria“!


This march Townes Van Zandt would have turned 77 and his music still touches people. On July 1, My Proud Mountain releases „Songs of Townes Van Zandt Vol. III“. Another album on which no less than Amenra, Cave In and Marissa Nadler cover a selection of his songs, as homage to the songwriting genius that he was.

The new single „Quicksilver Dreams of Maria“, and also the album’s opener, features Nadler in a daydream with wistful siren vocals that embody the lovelorn and lusty side of Townes Van Zandt that some listeners tend to overlook.

“I wanted to shine a light on some of Townes Van Zandt’s lesser known, but equally excellent songs from his vast body of work.” sagt Nadler. “His deeply romantic lyrical tendencies are intricately displayed on the three songs that I chose, as well as the pervasive loneliness and deep-seated sadness, always waiting right outside the door.”

Marissa Nadler also says about the song:
„This song is so intense. The words roll off his tongue- such a great lyrical flow. I remember when I first heard this song, I felt like I had always known it. It felt ancient and eternal…. Maria becomes a mythical figure in this song. She’s powerful, she’s a presence or a ghost, it’s hard to tell- the line between reality and fantasy is so beautifully blurred.“

Here is the video of Quicksilver Dreams of Maria“: